Heb 12:2 says: "Looking unto Jesus the author and
finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the
cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of
How does Faith look?
There is a start and a finish to your faith.
There is also a Person involved here concerning your Faith.
We have been called to finish a race ... not by our own
strength or courage or faith, but by the faith of Jesus. Our faith may be
lacking, but His faith is complete and whole.
He created by faith, healed by faith,
endured the cross by faith. Rose by faith. Ascended by faith. Intercedes
for us by faith right now!
Whose faith?
His faith!
He IS Faith!
... and therefore we can.
How? Why?
Because He is our Faith!
We don't need more of our own faith. We need Him (His faith). We need Jesus, the
Alpha and Omega of our faith. The Aleph
and the Tav of our faith! ... the unfailing Faith ... the perfect Faith living
right inside us! HalleluYAH!
The Captain of my Faith
Note how beautifully Adam Clark says it:
The author and finisher of faith, translated here author,
signifies, in general, captain or leader, or the first inventor of a thing. But
the reference seems to be here to the βραβευς, or judge in the games, whose
business it was to admit the contenders, and to give the prize to the
conqueror. Jesus is here represented as this officer; every Christian is a
contender in this race of life, and for eternal life. The heavenly course is
begun under Jesus; and under him it is completed. He is the finisher, by
awarding the prize to them that are faithful unto death [His death] [He is the
Prize!]. Thus he is the author or the judge under whom, and by whose permission
and direction, according to the rules of the heavenly race, they are permitted
to enter the lists, and commence the race, and he is the finisher, the
perfecter, by awarding and giving the prize [He is the Prize] which consummates
the combatants at the end of the race. [We are the joy set before Him!]
No looking back
Who, for the joy that was set before him - The joy of
fulfilling the will of the Father, in tasting death for every man and having
endured the cross and despised the shame of this ignominious death, He is set
down at the right hand of God, ever appearing in the presence of God for us,
and continuing his exhibition of himself as our Sacrifice, and his intercession
as our Mediator.
Let me contemplate ...
Now that I think of it ... we already have Perfect Faith ...
The only thing that should happen is we should take Him up on His Free Gift (Perfect Faith) and allow Him to work trough us - to rule in line with His will when He created us - that is for us to rule on this earth. To rule in the intimacy of His Grace, to the Glory of the Word of His Power!