The table above on both modern and ancient Hebrew text letters will be helpful to understand some of the word-pictures in my posts |
Ancient language texts carries a fascinating insight into the original meaning and intention of the messages they convey. They bring forward a forgotten dimension of substance, significance and understanding mostly lost in translation.
Symbols used in ancient writings can become both meaningful and precious when it comes to the intelligence we seek to appreciate the original, true message that is being communicated.
Language versus language
In the modern western languages (Latin and Greek based) letters of an alphabet have (1) form and (2) sound only. In the Hebrew, letters of the aleph-beth have (1) form and (2) sound as well as (3) meaning, (4) numeric determination and a (5) pictograph (picture reference) attached to each letter.
Modern languages are highly focused and very specific compared to the flexibility of some languages with a direct link to it's ancient roots. Modern alphabets are normally extremely rigid, narrow, limiting and one-sided. Therefore words today in their meaning and interpretation are quite rigid compared to the words of ancient languages like archaic Hebrew. To argue this point we should probably journey through the ancient beginnings of the Hebrew language and its development.
Ancient beginnings
The ancient Hebrew started of as a picture-language, much the same as the ancient Mesopotamian, Aramaic and Egyptian hieroglyphs. Even today the modern Hebrew language has only about one per cent (1%) or 9,000 of the words of the English language consisting of roughly 900,000 words (standard English Dictionary words). Thus, looking at the ancient Hebrew, every word contains multiple meanings, is dependent on the specific context for its meaning and can be interpreted in multiple ways outside of its proper context. The result - translation becomes even more critical than we might expect.
More in a word
More in a word
Taking all of this into account, we must therefore understand that Hebrew words have much wider and more descriptive meaning and practicality in application to direct circumstances. See for instance the explanation on the name 'Daniel' as an example.
In some instances of the original Greek Bible text we see that, without exception, all words used (nouns, verbs, pronouns, etc.) are multiples of seven (the Hebrew numeral used for perfection). This is called a heptadic structure whence in numerology hidden numerical codes surface in the text (see this article for more background). Many scholars have indicated that it is next to impossible for any human being to write logically and intelligible by applying such a method unless divinely inspired. Yet, we have the genealogy of Yah'shua perfectly understandable in the first chapter of the book of Matthew written precisely in this fashion.
Word pictures (pictographs)
The ancient Hebrew scripts were quite different from the modern using an alphabet of actual picture-letters. The alphabet pictures each has specific and pertinent meaning/s attached to them. It is from these pictures-letters and their original meanings that we are able to extract a very meaningful and descriptive picture or word-picture, called a pictograph. The pictograph is derived from the original word, phrase, letter or sentence when we study their meaningful origins. In many instances they are mind-blowing when we discover that even the very language and alphabet used, are prophetic. They become intentional as we realise that they clearly point towards God's plan - Yah'shua! We see this from the first letter (ox power, leader, authority) to the last letter (cross - covenant, a seal, a finished work).
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I also include a Hebrew calendar for some additional perspective here. Why? Because much of the ancient aleph-beth revolved around seasons and set times and compulsory feasts (all fulfilled).
Let me, emphasize straight-on that it is not required nor necessary to go into the Hebrew background and the ancient pictographs to get to understand the Word of God and His heart, or to have a close relationship with God. Yet, it is helpful and mind-blowing to see, understand and confirm some of the translated parts (that are not so clearly translated or where meanings were lost translation). Studying the pictograph letters and words potentially bring us closer to the original text and explain to us the unmerited favour and beautiful character and nature and heart of our God. To me, anyway. To many of us it underpins an amazing, supernatural-natural confirmation looking at what is described in pictures of the ancient writings. These astonishing pictural messages make me stand back in absolute awe and wonder to realise that:
"Truely, God's Word [Jesus] is absolutely wonderful and goes beyond human abilities, imagination, reasoning and comprehension to express and confirm His amazing and unthinkable love and favour for us!"
… that by the renewal of our minds we may know (have intimacy) with Him in a deeper sense more and more … until the time we will truely see Him face to Face, the way He is.
"Truely, God's Word [Jesus] is absolutely wonderful and goes beyond human abilities, imagination, reasoning and comprehension to express and confirm His amazing and unthinkable love and favour for us!"
… that by the renewal of our minds we may know (have intimacy) with Him in a deeper sense more and more … until the time we will truely see Him face to Face, the way He is.
When studying the New Testament we should be guided by the Holy Spirit and take into account that, even the Greek in many instances, was not accurately translated within the specific context. Ancient Greek carries many of the amazing language qualities that makes a word-study so fascinating.
For instance, the word to know God and to know is used countless times in the New Testament. This word in the Greek is ginōskō - (see also my post on abahah-pictograph-agape)
For this word Thayer's Definition is applicable:
- to learn to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel
- to become known
- to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of
- to understand
- to know
- Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman
- to become acquainted with, to know
… it is an intimate knowledge of Jesus, His true character of love and kindness and grace, and mercy and truth and faithfulness!
Joh 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent
Eph 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.
Deep intimacy
… with the Spirit of Love
It is a Spirit-revelation, a personal touch from above and a deeply felt embrace that can only be experienced in intimacy with Christ Jesus - His Spirit abiding within you.
Let us be wonderfully led by His Holy Spirit as we progress on this beautiful journey with Him.