All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Jesus always started with the teaching of the Gospel, even when He commissions his disciples.
Because the Gospel is the Power of God onto Salvation! Rom 1:16
Who is teaching?
wwm relies on the teaching of the Holy Spirit and is founded on intimate relationship with Jesus for guidance, discipleship, mentor-ship ... it's an apprenticeship where He does the teaching and the leading and the works.
Who is taught?
wwm involves integrated evangelism at all levels including healing, hospital ministry, street ministry, social ministry, fellowship, charity, sharing, missionary fellowship, etc.
Is there someone out there?
Those contributing towards wwm are people who take comfort and rest in the finished work of Christ Jesus and see Him as the Person of Grace, the Person of Love, healing, provision, the very Person of undeserved, unmerited favour of God.
The focus is always on God's character being merciful, gracious, patient, abounding in goodness and truth.
The focus is always on God's character being merciful, gracious, patient, abounding in goodness and truth.
Where does it come from?
Abba moved for this ministry to be a testimony of His greatness, His unlimited favour and love towards us in line with His original design for us - to be the very objects and recipients of His great affection.

It is about a personal journey, a testimony of getting to know the Graciousness and the Goodness and Kindness and Truth of God all wrapped up in a package of pure affectionate, passionate Love. His name is Jesus, Yah'shua ha Mashiach, the Christ and He is available for all who would call on His name and receive (lambano - click here) Him.
The purpose with this blog is to document this Gospel of Grace and Truth that Father God, Abba Abba teaches me through intimacy - firstly as a reference for myself, but also to others who'd like to share in this.
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As a special interest and as revealed, some posts will go to the original Hebrew and Greek texts just to circumvent the translation obstacles and to make things a bit clearer on those original treasures lost in translation. I draw on the beautiful, descriptive pictures of the ancient Hebrew language and on the elaborate eloquence of the Greek New Testament words and phrases. I consider the overall context and the eternal message of God's Grace as guided by the Holy Spirit Himself, in order for Him to unlock in me the deeper understanding of His Word.

You also get the Hebrew alephbeth as provided at the top, (see here) to guide and assist you when reading the Word of God and of-cause this blog (see here). You are also encouraged to make use of a blue-letter study Bible (click here) to check up on all that is conveyed in this blog for purposes of your own benefit. In all you are encouraged to hear from the Spirit of Love Himself to teach you and show you.
Where does it point towards? My discovery and journey in Daniel דּנאל should in no ways reflect on my own abilities whatsoever, since the vastness of His Goodness and Kindness and Mercy and Love - Jesus, had already been there since before time was. The Journey of Daniel דּנאל is just a discovery and rediscovery of His awesomeness as he (Daniel דּנאל) continues to do so in the presence of the One Who loves with an undying, unaffected, immeasurable, immense, indescribable great Love - Yah'shua, Jesus the Christ!

You also get the Hebrew alephbeth as provided at the top, (see here) to guide and assist you when reading the Word of God and of-cause this blog (see here). You are also encouraged to make use of a blue-letter study Bible (click here) to check up on all that is conveyed in this blog for purposes of your own benefit. In all you are encouraged to hear from the Spirit of Love Himself to teach you and show you.
Where does it point towards? My discovery and journey in Daniel דּנאל should in no ways reflect on my own abilities whatsoever, since the vastness of His Goodness and Kindness and Mercy and Love - Jesus, had already been there since before time was. The Journey of Daniel דּנאל is just a discovery and rediscovery of His awesomeness as he (Daniel דּנאל) continues to do so in the presence of the One Who loves with an undying, unaffected, immeasurable, immense, indescribable great Love - Yah'shua, Jesus the Christ!
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My profound desire is that as you read this blog, you will become intensely aware of the ever-so warm and comforting embrace of the Spirit of Love Himself, embracing you and abiding inside of you.
... and know that you are always loved!
For such a love as that of Jesus can only be a GODLY LOVE!
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