Still focusing on the law instead of on Jesus?
Still focusing on the law?
The law your mind-set?
What is the real question here?
So, if we have such great honour for law as we have ... are we really beholding the finished work of Yah'shua (Jesus) on the cross?
Well, shouldn't we?
In Romans 10:4 Paul says For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
What? There is an end to the law?
You can not achieve anything by keeping the law!
Ooooo I sooooo love the way the Holy Spirit clarifies matters and explains this verse and the Gospel that goes with it.
For Christ is the end of the law - Where the law ends, Christ begins. The law ends with representative sacrifices, but Christ begins with the real offering.
Time for commentary
Adam Clark's commentary is always such a insight to me. He explains that the law was our schoolmaster to lead us to Christ. It is incapable to save, but it leaves us at his door, where alone salvation is to be found.
The law is the standard of who God is given to Moses because the nation of Israel wanted it. You can never obey by it fully. The Standard is too high. Jesus said this in so many words when he preach on the mountain that even if you just look to a woman to lust after her, you have committed adultery (Mat 5). The only One who could keep the Standard was God Himself, Jesus!
There is only One Sacrifice
Christ as the atoning Sacrifice for sin. He and He only was the majestic purpose of the whole of the sacrificial code of Moses. Clark says that Jesus's passion and death were the fulfillment of its great object and design.
If we would separate the sacrificial death of Jesus from the law the law has no meaning. Why?
Because it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. For this very reason it is pointed to Jesus saying Sacrifice and observing thou didst not desire; burnt-offering and sin-offering thou hast not required; then said 'I, Lo, I come to do thy will; a body hast thou prepared me. (Heb 10:4-10). Prophesied throughout in the Psalms (40) and emphasized by the old covenant prophets Isaiah (1:11 & 50:5), Jeremiah (6:20), Amos (5:21) themselves and reiterated by the disciple who Jesus loved, John (6:51 & 14:31).
The law and it's sacrifices ...
God never designed that the sacrifices of the law should be considered the atonement for sin. They are merely a type and shadow of that atonement.
Thus Jesus was the END of the law and its sacrifices. And, as sacrifices were offered merely to procure temporal pardon of sin, therefore righteousness, Christ Himself is the end of the law for this justification to every one that believeth. (Rom 10:4)
What then does this mean?
Elementary dear friend. You do not have to do to be!
Oh, HalleluYAH!
God's Perfect Redemption Plan is Jesus ... and it puts an end to my efforts!