Thursday, 21 April 2016

Pesach again?

Pesach is not Easter

The Jewish feast of Pesach is on again.

So are many other similar feasts and rituals that celebrate similar events and man-made traditions - see here.

… and somehow Christians feel obligated to celebrate one, if not a man-made cooked-up version of these feasts.

Easter-celebrating Christians will not be looking at the Jewish dates this year since the Passover is not aligned to the feast of Pesach (see here). 

Easter is not Pesach

How then, is the date for Easter determined on the Western calendar?

If you google it, you'll very quickly see that in 325CE the Council of Nicaea established that Easter must be held on the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on, or after, the vernal equinox (also see here). And there is a very good reason for this.

Under Roman rule the continuance of the Spring solstice celebrations and rituals had to be practiced.

It was an ancient Babylonian feast observed by the Romans, the feast of Ishtar,  the goddess of love, war and sex. She was supposedly the protector of fate, marriage and childbirth. According to tradition she controlled the environment, rain, harvests, storms and fertility. Her cult practiced sacred, priestly prostitution at the Babylonian temple entrance, selling sex to any willing and capable stranger in exchange for a divine blessing.

Under the Constantine Roman Empire, society was forced to adopt Christianity, but not to relinquish pagan belief. The two had to be amalgamated to keep the majority of the pagan population at peace. The Roman empire adopted and assimilated every thinkable pagan religion and ritual of the peoples they conquered in an effort to keep them happy. It was a well constructed strategy that allowed all its conquered peoples to continue with their religious observances and practices so that the Empire could further its own goals of world domination. Even if you read the Bible, this particular practice becomes abundantly clear. 

So, Easter was predetermined to always fall on the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 21. Easter is not aligned to the Jewish feast of Pesach (see here) because we are dealing with two different calendars. They were never aligned and never will be in full. They are performed in two different measuring sticks and remain two different religious systems.

What is it about then?

Please check out my previous post on Easter and Pesach (click) for more background and truths regarding the subject.

At the very core, Easter celebrates the tradition of the evil Babylonian sun-god, Nimrod, his mother (and wife) queen Ishtar (Easter or Astarte) and their incarnate illegitimate son, Tammuz (Tammuz, conceived during Easter and born on 25 December in the year 3005 BC). It was at Nimrod’s city of Babel (Babylon) that a towering structure was first built in plain defiance of God as part of a satanic, self-righteous religion.

So much then for the Babylonian feasts, but what about the Jewish feasts?

What about celebrating the Jewish Passover?

The Jewish feast of Pesach celebrated the exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt. That is its prime focus -  salvation from all sorts of bondage. It also is a shadow of eternal salvation from all bondage by God Himself on the cross.

To celebrate the Jewish feasts, is to ignore the finished work of Jesus and His fulfillment of these feasts on the cross. Celebrating any of them rejects what Jesus did. You are acting as if it did not happen and place yourself  back under the law again. I explain much more details in this post.

In the church?

To celebrate what the institutional church adopted, are to celebrate the Roman corrupt versions of any of these feasts. It is to align yourself with paganism, celebrating the origins of these feasts and their pagan gods, which is okay if you choose to follow the modern pagan movement and life style. Jesus did not cancel your ability to choose on the cross.

What Christians ought to celebrate?

Only One!


"Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth" Rom 10:4

Only the ignorant of God's righteousness and those who pridefully think they can contribute towards their own righteousness will keep pursuing the law instead. By following the law, you can attain your own righteousness … but Jesus made it clear that it is impossible to inherit life eternal on account of your own deeds.

You need Someone Who can.

And only He could.

You need a Saviour!

The New Covenant has made the first old redundant and obsolete - see Hebrews 8:13.

And click here for more information on the Christian's position regarding the law.

The feast is fulfilled

Jesus is the New Covenant!

He says: "This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me" 1 Cor 11:25

There remains only one joyful celebration (feast) … Yah'shua, Jesus!
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