March/April sees the Jewish feast of Pesach (and the pagan feast of Easter) being celebrated.
Are we to celebrate any one of these feasts?
… and if not, why not?
What is the origin?
Whatever is the connection between the Grego-Roman-European Easter and Pesach?
Good thing you asked!
WARNING: This post goes against religion!
Let me, first of all, just warn that this post goes against religion and institutional church doctrine.
Good thing you asked!
WARNING: This post goes against religion!
Let me, first of all, just warn that this post goes against religion and institutional church doctrine.
As the bride of Christ, we are not supposed to celebrate the Jewish feasts - the feasts were merely a shadow of what was to come.
In the New Testament we have the real relationship with the real Person, shed abroad in our hearts. All the law, the prophets and the other books (inside and outside of the Bible as we know it), including the feasts are fulfilled in Messiah Yah'shua …
If anything … we ought to celebrate Him!
Also, as the bride of Christ, why would we celebrate any feast other than Him?
Let's get the full picture
So, we need to refresh our minds when it comes to Jewish feasts and take a good look at where we find ourselves in the whole scheme of things … in history, really.
Firstly, the was an old covenant and then came a New Testament. We are not under the old covenant, but under a New Testament where we are co-heirs of YHVH's kingdom.
Secondly, if you place yourself under the law (old covenant) to keep the law and the feasts, you must make absolutely sure that you keep all of it perfectly, even up to the very last detail … nothing else is acceptable to God under the old covenant. The law is only part of it. Break prescript one and you break all.
Thirdly, you need to sieve through all the rabbinical and pagan (khaballah and other influences) additions and corruptions of the feasts that came about since it was given by God to Moses. Then do it as originally prescribed.
Fourthly, as a Christian you must acknowledge be aware that there are many pagan influences (like easter) woven into so-called Christianity itself that serves mostly the prince of this world and his lusts.
Origin of Easter
Let's start with Easter. The feast of Easter [Easter is the Babylon mother goddess known as Eostre (Semiramis)] with it's Babylonian origin, is essentially a pagan feast celebrating the beginning of spring and fertility (spring equinox) in the northern hemisphere. It later became the celebration of Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex. Still later this tradition was mixed with the Egyptian belief in a primeval egg from which their sun god hatched. It also found a strange bed partner with Hinduism that connects the content of a fertile egg with the structure of the universe. And similarly aspects of Zoroastrian religion, with its principles of good and evil, Finish beliefs in the Luonnotar creation and even Chinese beliefs in a cosmic egg with the idea that the first being or certain people were born of eggs, were all assimilated into the whole global celebration of Easter of today.
All these strange traditions as well as Judaism and later Constantine Christianity, were carried thoroughly into European culture throughout most of Europe from where it spread all around the world.
Today Easter contains a mixture of "Christian" and (mostly) pagan rituals and beliefs mingled into a concoction that one should rather avoid, even when promoted in the Christian "church".
Enters compulsory Christianity
Since the time of Roman emperor Constantine in 325 A.D., Christian truths have been mixed up into the concoction celebrated as easter, Christmas and other pagan celebrations. These were eagerly received and incorporated by the modern Christian "church". It is nothing more than a Babylonian (Babylon meaning: confusion by mixture) feast.
Since the time of Roman emperor Constantine in 325 A.D., Christian truths have been mixed up into the concoction celebrated as easter, Christmas and other pagan celebrations. These were eagerly received and incorporated by the modern Christian "church". It is nothing more than a Babylonian (Babylon meaning: confusion by mixture) feast.
In 325 AD Constantine, in the Council of Nice, ordered all Churches to celebrate the resurrection of Christ on a certain day, by then already celebrated by the pagans as Easter Sunday (the beginning of the spring solstice). The Easter festivities included amongst others the Easter egg seen by the Babylonians as the symbol of Nimrod and the rebirth of Tammuz.
It goes without saying then that celebrating pagan traditions like fertility rituals of egg hunting, kissing the bunny ass, sunrise services, etc. does not serve any purpose, except that you are keeping yourself busy with useless pagan rituals and gods of this world and giving glory where it does not belong.
The first century Christians are usually a good measuring stick.
Jesus , living under the old covenant, celebrated the Passover as it was expected of Him by the law (see Luke 22:14-20) so that He could fulfill the law. He also explained Pesach as a shadow onto Himself, the expected Messiah.
Easter-Sunday was not observed by Christians in Asia Minor until the third century. They observed 'Passover' … more specifically - the Lord's (Jesus') supper as fulfilment and accomplished work of Yah'shua.
What about Pesach then?
If you so choose to celebrate the Jewish Pesach, prescribed under the law, then be sure to follow God's instructions to the nation of Israel as set out in the precise prescripts of the books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and other old covenant books. Remember that this should be performed to-the-letter-of-the-law, so to speak, in order to comply. Omitting any part of it or performing it contrary to the prescribed way of the law, will render it totally useless and those who do so will be utterly condemned as per the law.
Pesach is a precise feast. You've got to do it right!
First, you will have to start by determining when the 1st of Nisan (on the Jewish calendar) is and what should be done leading up to the 14th of Nisan.
Then, you'd have to do the 8 days of Pesach exactly as prescribed (in fact the 8 days did not originally exist, but were added later as part of the law). Then you'll have to recite and pronounce all the applicable passages from old covenant scripture at precisely the right moment during your ritual. Don't forget to execute and perform all the various cleansing rituals as prescribed.
More importantly, you'd need to find yourself a temple with a sanctified holy and Most Holy place furnished with the original Ark of the Covenant. Here you will need to do the sacrifices exactly as prescribed, including the pouring out the blood of the sacrifice (slaughtered animal as prescribed by the law) onto the mercy-seat of the Ark.
Having done all this perfectly correct as prescribed in old covenant law (gulp!), you would then be in the fortunate position to pronounce yourself righteous by your own actions. Let's just hope that you didn't leave anything out. Because that could have disastrous consequences.
And … Oh, did I mention that in order for you to perform all these rituals you need to be sin-less. For this you'll need to get yourself a perfect high priest from the line of Aaron to perform the necessary sacrifices and rituals in the temple.
Here is a timeline for the month of Nisan (when Pesah needs to be done) to guide you and get you going:
Or is there a shadow here of Someone?
On a more serious note, though, let's consider the shadow and then look at the only celebration - Jesus, Yah'shua, Himself, who said we should celebrate His finished work as often as we can.
In the old covenant YHVH said to the children of Israel, who constantly forgot and neglected Him for other pagan (dead) gods:
Pâsach or פָּסַח means to skip, leap or pass over.
The pictograph of Pesach depicts: word (mouth) turn fenced. It says: the Word (Jesus) turns to those fenced in by Him ... those fenced in by His Grace are with Him, those who applied (received) His blood on the doorposts of their hearts ... He turns to them so that the angel of death does not come near, those sealed with His blood are protected as He turns to them. Those under His wings are fenced by His protection. He is the door to the sheep fold! (John 10:7). See the pictograph of Jesus as the Door here and here.
Or is there a shadow here of Someone?
On a more serious note, though, let's consider the shadow and then look at the only celebration - Jesus, Yah'shua, Himself, who said we should celebrate His finished work as often as we can.
In the old covenant YHVH said to the children of Israel, who constantly forgot and neglected Him for other pagan (dead) gods:
"And it shall come to pass, when ye be come to the land which the LORD will give you, according as he hath promised, that ye shall keep this service [referring to Pâsach. Literary meaning work or labour]. And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say unto you, What mean ye by this service [Pâsach]?
That ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the LORD'S passover [Pâsach], who passed [Pâsach] over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people bowed the head and worshipped." Exo 12:25-27What does Pesach mean?
Pâsach or פָּסַח means to skip, leap or pass over.
The pictograph of Pesach depicts: word (mouth) turn fenced. It says: the Word (Jesus) turns to those fenced in by Him ... those fenced in by His Grace are with Him, those who applied (received) His blood on the doorposts of their hearts ... He turns to them so that the angel of death does not come near, those sealed with His blood are protected as He turns to them. Those under His wings are fenced by His protection. He is the door to the sheep fold! (John 10:7). See the pictograph of Jesus as the Door here and here.
Go and look at the pictograph yourself. It's mind-blowing!
There remains only one feast
There is only one celebration for new testament followers of Jesus Christ!
There is only one celebration for new testament followers of Jesus Christ!
He said:
Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. 1Co 11:24-25
As a law?
As a ritual?
As a tradition?
Presided over by a pastor or priest or some 'church'-official?
With special preparation?
Only after confessing your sins?
At a set time?
As often as you can. Of your own free will. Whenever you can!
As often as you can. Of your own free will. Whenever you can!
Is now the right time?
Yes! It is communion with Him!
Not Easter.
Not Christmas.
Not Pesach.
Not any feast!
The shadow turns to Light!
Only one. Fulfilled and to be fulfilled:
Only one. Fulfilled and to be fulfilled:
"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.
And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God. "Rev 19:7-9
You are so blessed!