Wednesday 9 October 2024

Wherever whosoever - looking back

Years ago we started a ministry. We shared the Gospel, prayed for people in hospital and fellowshipped the way we knew how. wwm celebrated this ministry journey of witnessing wherever and whenever the opportunity arose. The world around us was our platform as we ministered to the sick in hospital and saw countless healed, shared the Gospel in street ministries and saw many come to Jesus, witnessed at social fellowships and experienced concordance in worship. We were geared to share our experiences and the incredible power of God's grace and authority.

Ordinary people, who knew they were deeply loved by Abba and chose to walk boldly in His grace and authority. As miracles unfolded before our eyes, we marveled at the extraordinary works of our Lord Jesus Christ, exceedingly and abundantly more than what we asked or imagined. Our Gospel was the only thing that we knew - the finished work of our Jesus. We proclaimed nothing outside of His mercy, grace, patience, goodness, kindness, truth, and unwavering love.

Our Purpose

Our motto was Revelation 12:11, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."  

On the blog, we shared these awe-inspiring healings and miracles as a testament to the finished work of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Healer, Provider, our Security, and our Destiny.

Our Journey

Our hospital and healing ministry began in 2009 as a response to a growing desire to share the Gospel and lead people to Jesus. Initially, we focused on mall outreaches, but we soon realised the potential of hospitals as a more receptive audience.

As we embarked on this journey, we experienced a profound personal transformation and readjustment (gennaō anōthen) of our minds and hearts. We were immediately aware of Abba Father's favour and encountered friendly, receptive people who were open to prayer and the true Gospel.

Our evangelistic ministry quickly evolved into a healing ministry as we were guided by the Holy Spirit to pray for the sick. We witnessed incredible miracles as patients shared their stories of being led to us by the Holy Spirit. It's important to note that we didn't always know what we were doing, but Jesus didn't require perfection. He healed the sick before our very eyes, despite our doubts and uncertainties.

A Physical and Spiritual Journey

Over the years, many of us in the hospital outreach group migrated to various institutional churches and denominations, each with their own set of religious rules, policies, principles, or dogma. This experience led those of us who remained in the core group to become increasingly aware of the deception of the institutional church in general.

Abba spoke to me at one point, saying, "Press through all the man-made religion and doctrine, and I will teach you Himself by His Spirit." (John 14:26 and 16)

I am grateful for the way the goodness of God led me to repentance (agreeing with Him, Romans 2:4. Also see this post) and how the Gospel (the extremely Good News of Jesus' finished work) led to my salvation (Romans 1:16).

Our outreach group has become a diverse group since 2010. Over the years, it has grown and shrunk as members came and went. Yet, early in 2020 we had to stop our decade long ministry at hospitals when the pandemic struck.

Growth and Relationships

Jesus is the same today, yesterday, and forever! He healed when He walked the earth, and He continues to heal today in the same way.

The growth my family and I experienced through the mentorship and discipleship of God's Spirit is absolutely mind-blowing. Initially, my prayers followed traditional lines, asking God to heal people if it was His will. However, Abba spoke to me one day, saying, "I gave you the authority and power to heal... and you pray like this? Don't ask me... Take up your inheritance!"

Abba also shared with me that we Christians often had a language problem, praying in the future tense as if God had never done anything. This was a result of law-based religion and a disregard for the finished work of Jesus on the cross, His resurrection, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

My prayer life started changing dramatically. I began to understand the importance of praying in the present tense with a deep regard of what had happened on the cross and beyond and by acknowledging the authority and power that Jesus had given me.

The Power of Speaking in Tongues

Initially, I struggled with praying in tongues because of my religious upbringing and the church dogma that was so deeply instilled. But one evening during a hospital ministry, I heard the clear voice of Abba speaking to me. 

We prayed for a sick man, who came in and out of consciousness yet insisted on also praying for us. At times the words that he praye were nothing but sounds and mumblings. But profoundly, I heard the Spirit of Abba praying through him. This experience solidified my understanding of the power of speaking in tongues and its role in glorifying God and edifying the ekklēsia.

In the week that followed, I started praying in tongues. I have not stopped ever since. 

Witnessing Miracles

Throughout the existence of wwm we have witnessed countless miracles, healings,  broken bones miraculously fixed, young children overcoming life-threatening illnesses, blood conditions disappeared, cancer evaporated, serious infections neutralised, etc. We saw the incredible power of Jesus at work.

One notable case involved a young girl diagnosed with brain cancer. Despite the doctors' prognosis, we laid hands on her, and she experienced complete healing. Another case involved a toddler diagnosed with a strange sickness that baffled doctors described as leprosy. Through the proclamation of the finished work of Jesus, confirmed by the power of the Holy Spirit, the child was healed.

The Ongoing Work

Even today, whenever a situation presents itself, we continue to see miracles and the goodness of God amongst the sick and afflicted. Jesus never disappoints!

Additional Testimonies

Here are some additional testimonies of healings we've witnessed:

  • The 12 year old girl diagnosed with brain cancer: As mentioned earlier, we prayed for this young girl and witnessed a miraculous healing. It was a powerful reminder of the incredible power of God's grace.

  • Young Thomas from Kenya diagnosed with 7 life threatening conditions: We encountered Thomas during a hospital outreach and were deeply moved by his story. Despite facing numerous health challenges, he maintained a positive spirit. We prayed for him, and his condition improved to such an extent that he gave witness to us.

  • The toddler that was diagnosed with a strange sickness doctors described as leprosy: This was a particularly heartbreaking case. The child was suffering greatly, and the doctors were baffled by his condition. No one was allowed to touch her. Yet, Charelene picked her up on her lap, prayed for her with unwavering faith,and the recovery was a done deal. Several weeks later the grandmother who witnessed the prayer called to confirm that her grandchild was well.

  • Abba's intervention during brain surgery on a baby: This was a moment of pure awe. The baby was in a critical condition, and the doctors were unsure of the outcome. We gathered around the family and prayed fervently. During the surgery, we felt a sense of peace and assurance of God’s work. The baby pulled through, and it was a testament to the incredible power of His healing touch.

  • The man from Botswana bitten by a black-widow spider: This was a terrifying situation. The man was in severe pain and his life was in danger. We responded quickly, proclaiming his healing. Miraculously, the symptoms subsided, and he recovered fully.

  • The man who had the flesh-eating bacteria: This was a particularly challenging case. The man's condition was rapidly deteriorating, and the doctors had little hope for his recovery. We prayed with the family, believing in the power of God's healing touch fulfilled in Jesus. Against all worldly odds, the man began to improve and eventually made a full recovery.

  • The teacher whose pelvis was crushed by a horse: This was a horrific accident. A high school teacher suffered severe injuries and was in critical condition. We prayed for her healing and witnessed a remarkable recovery. She was able to return to her life and continue her work in a record time that astonished the doctors who treated her.

  • The 16 year-old girl whose toxin levels were taken beyond measure because of a burst appendix: This was a life-threatening situation. A young girl was in critical condition, and the doctors were unsure if she would survive. We prayed for her healing, and she miraculously recovered.

  • The man who left his bed to pray for fellow-patients: This was a powerful example of the transformative power of faith in Jesus. The man was himself a patient, but he was so moved by the love and compassion shown to him by our ministry that he felt compelled to pray for others.

  • The paralyzed young man who was given a second chance: This was a heartbreaking case. A young man had been paralyzed in an accident and faced a bleak future. We prayed for him with unwavering faith in the finished work of Jesus, and he experienced a miraculous healing. He was able to walk again and live a full life.

  • The man the doctors closed up again when they saw that he was healed: This was a remarkable example of God's healing power. The man had undergone surgery, but the doctors were surprised to find that his wounds had healed miraculously. They closed him up again when they discovered that the healing had manifested.

  • The man with bullet wounds that wouldn't heal: This was a challenging case. The man had suffered gunshot wounds and the infections were not healing. We prayed for him, proclaiming the finished work of Jesus and he experienced a miraculous recovery.

  • The nurse with the impaired vision: This was a heartwarming story. The nurse had been struggling with vision problems, which were affecting her work. We prayed for her healing, and she experienced restored vision.

  • Restoration of the children's ward relationship: This was a beautiful example of the power of prayer and compassion. We had developed a strong relationship with the staff of the children’s ward staff that was influenced by a staff shuffle. Miraculously, some time later, and following some prayer, the relationship was restored and we could continue.

Our journey of witnessing and testimony has been a remarkable one, filled with countless miracles and transformative experiences. We have witnessed the incredible accomplished power of God's grace and authority in action, as ordinary people were empowered to share the Gospel and see lives changed.

We have learned that the Gospel is the only thing that truly matters. It is the finished work of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Healer, Provider, Security, and Destiny. We have proclaimed nothing outside of His mercy, grace, patience, goodness, kindness, truth, and unwavering love.

Our journey has been a testament to the power of faith and the transformative nature of the Holy Spirit. We have witnessed firsthand the incredible miracles that occur when we step out in faith and trust in the finished work in God's plan.

As we look back on our experiences, we are filled with gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose. We are committed to continuing this journey, sharing the Gospel with the world and witnessing the incredible power of God's love as and when opportunities occur.

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