Friday 14 April 2023

Who am I


We prayed. We observed.

Years ago as we started the hospital ministry, we discovered that most people have a distorted and destructive self image, caused by a corrupted idea and who they really are.

The result - doubt and unbelief, the number one goal of the enemy.

All of this is based on a socio-religious indoctrination, a brainwashing that uses the age old garden of Eden lie of your-are-not-good-enough in one way or the other to get people to conform to man-made rules, norms and laws.

This in itself caused a lot of social, psychological and physical damage. It is also the main cause of unwillingness of the body to positively respond to the finished work of Christ.

We prayed many wobbly prayers in the early days, albeit with a lot of conviction. Yet, we always knew that many of the patients were hesitant to receive. So we prayed for answers.

By divine inspiration of the Spirit of truth, we designed a flyer to encourage people to believe who the word of God really says they are.

Check out this post where I specifically dealt with doubt and unbelief and what nonsense we have been taught by the institutional church when it comes to healing.

It will bless you!

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