If ever there was one Hebrew word that we all use all over the world all of the time, it is the word Hallelujah ... or, as I like use it - HalleluYAH!
We use it all the time.
Even non-Christians and people in all kinds of religions use it.
And we don't find the time to stop and see what it is that we are saying ...
So, let's do!
Broken Hallelujah
Have you googled, for instance, what the background of the famous Leonard Cohen song, broken hallelujah is?
The song is about a love that went sour. Leonard Cohen used a lot of religious imagery and references to some notorious women in the bible. He himself explained: Hallelujah is a Hebrew word which means 'Glory to the Lord.' It explains that many kinds of hallelujahs do exist, and all the perfect and broken hallelujahs have equal value. (sic)
Well, firstly Cohen wasn't Christian. He was Jewish. Secondly, the song is about sex. It uses old testament imagery to draw parallels between a religious experience and a story of sexual intimacy. The “hallelujah” in the song is not the sound of praise to Yah, but a gasp of sexual climax.
When used in the physical world, it is used as an interjection expressing surprise, excitement, satisfaction or pleasure in a particular situation rather than praise of any kind. Wikipedia says that an interjection is a word or expression that occurs as an utterance on its own and expresses a spontaneous feeling or reaction. The category is wide, and includes such things as exclamations, curses, greetings, response particles, and hesitation markers.
And that is how we use it.
But the phrase does have a very specific origin and meaning
Cohen, being a Jew (ironically, from the priestly tribe of Levi), was right when he said it means glory to God. Yet, there is a lot more to it than what this modern-day priest has to offer. Also, it does not refer to just any God at all. It is praise to a very specific God with a very specific Name ...
Yet, it does refer to the deep kind of intimacy Cohen speaks about ... though it is between God and man ... just without the sour part.
From Scripture
Normally when the Bible uses the phrase Praise the Lord the word yâdâh Yâhh (we'll get to this later) is used rather than hâlal Yâhh (our basis words for HalleluYAH).
Check out the use of hâlal Yâhh in Psalm 106:1 PraiseH1984 ye the LORD.H3050 O give thanksH3034 unto the LORD;H3068 forH3588 he is good:H2896 forH3588 his mercyH2617 endureth for ever.H5769
A blue letter Bible may helpful when reading this post from here on.
More than a word
The Word hallelujah or HalleluYAH in the Hebrew is not a conjunction, but a two-word phrase.
hâlal Yâhh or הַלְלוּ יָהּ
The first part, hallelu, is the plural form of the Hebrew verb hallel. However, "hallelujah" means more than simply "praise Jah" or "praise Yah", as the word hallel in Hebrew means a joyous praise in song, to boast in God. It is not enough to merely utter "Hallelujah".
hâlal Yâhh is an elaborate action of joy and praise.
The English word Hallelujah is an interjection or abrupt remark, especially as an interruption, as a part of speech (e.g. ah!, dear me!). It is a transliteration from the Hebrew words הַלְלוּ יָהּ, which is a composition of two Hebrew words hâlal or הַלְלוּ (plural form of the Hebrew verb hâlal: an exhortation to "praise" addressed in the plural) and Yah or יָהּ (the abbreviated name of God, shortened from יְהֹוָה or YAHVEH - Jah or Yah).
What is it with Yah?
The English word Hallelujah is an interjection or abrupt remark, especially as an interruption, as a part of speech (e.g. ah!, dear me!). It is a transliteration from the Hebrew words הַלְלוּ יָהּ, which is a composition of two Hebrew words hâlal or הַלְלוּ (plural form of the Hebrew verb hâlal: an exhortation to "praise" addressed in the plural) and Yah or יָהּ (the abbreviated name of God, shortened from יְהֹוָה or YAHVEH - Jah or Yah).
What is it with Yah?
The second part, Yah, is the shortened form of YHWH (YAHVEH), the name for the Creator (יְהֹוָה or YAHVEH, YHVH). The Name of God ceased to be pronounced during the second temple period of Judaism, due to superstitious rabbinical religious beliefs. The correct pronunciation is uncertain, however, it can be deducted from other names, like Elijah, nehemiah, etc. that have it as part of its make-up. It is sometimes rendered by Christians as "Yahweh" or "Jehovah". The Septuagint translates Yah as Kyrios (the LORD), because of the Levine custom of replacing the sacred name YHVH with "Adonai", meaning "the Lord".
And, what is the word-picture?
And, what is the word-picture?
Remember that every ancient Hebrew letter also has a specific picture attached to it. When put together it forms a beautiful image of what the word actually means. The pictograph for hâlal Yâhh or הַלְלוּ יָהּ is: Ultimate shepherd (or ushering-in) of the announcement (or display) of Grace - Jesus.
When you say HalleluYAH you are proclaiming the ultimate move of Yah (God) to show Grace!
Have you noticed that in Hebrew HalleluYAH starts with the letter for Grace and ends with the letter for Grace.
What about yâdâh Yâhh?
Yâdâh Yâhh is used in many instances instead of hâlal Yâhh.
The pictograph of יָדָה is: The Hand is the Pathway (Door) to Grace.
Can you see Jesus in it?
He is the Hand of Yah!
He is the Way!
He is Grace!