is the way. The way God do things is through His Word. In the beginning God
created by speaking His Word. Jesus healed, cast out the demons, raised the
dead and called those things that were not into manifestation by speaking the word.
Monday, 29 December 2014
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Many are called … few are chosen. Are You?
says in Matthew 20:16 and Matthew 22:14: … for many be called, but few chosen.
uses this phrase twice in Matthew’s account of the Gospel. The phrase follows
the parable of the workers being paid a wage for a day’s work and the parable of the wedding guest
dressed inappropriately.
Is this phrase significant?
We often hear a legalistic preacher condemning his audience using this text
then saying "Get right with God or get
left behind! Or Turn or burn!" or "Repent
or else you will not be chosen. You’ll be with the goats instead of the sheep!"
They preach like this to get everyone into their law-abiding, Pharisee mindset. In the process they do nothing but make the elect of God fall from Grace (we can only fall from Grace if we enter back into the law).
They preach like this to get everyone into their law-abiding, Pharisee mindset. In the process they do nothing but make the elect of God fall from Grace (we can only fall from Grace if we enter back into the law).
did Jesus say when He said in Matthew 20:16 and Matthew 22:14: …for many be called, but few chosen?
Friday, 19 December 2014
Suffer little children not!
makes a lot of little children and the Kingdom of God.
In Matthew
19:14 He makes this very profound statement, warning the wolves and scavengers,
the serpents and deceivers, the mixers and matchers of the Babylonian doctrine
(confusion by mixture), the Pharisees, those coming with another gospel, as Paul says.
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Filthy rag ... or Secure Righteousness!
It is a wonderful thing when the Spirit of Truth, our
Father Himself, engages with you in a dream?
It touches you and makes you stand in awe like nothing
else ever could, consuming your every thought and embracing your very being to
the core.
I had such an encounter in a very clear, open dream
only a view days ago.
Thursday, 11 December 2014
The Gospel dancing on the mountains!
Have you ever looked at those very busy pictures, overthrown with an extreme hype of activity to try and find Waldo?
Although it may take the discerned fan some time to locate Waldo, it's fun, because you know that Waldo is there ... somewhere, usually not even hiding but in plain sight.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
An open-minded proposal ... Love -talk!
Sometimes we are so blinded by the deception of religion to see with open face the Glory of our Father residing right here inside of our very being!
But Daddy God says:
Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her. Hos 2:14
The prophet Hosea warns God's people to return to Him. Making reference to their adultery and whoredom with useless idols of the pagans, He prophesied against them when Father God in His great mercy pronounced the words of Hos 2:4 to His bride.
Incidentally, the name Hosea or הוֹשֵׁעַ in the Hebrew means savior or deliverer, pointing straight to Yah'shua, Jesus! When the Jews sang "Hosanna" in Matthew 21:9, this is exactly what they sang: Hoshiya na - deliver (or save) now ... right there as the Saviour of the world entered Jerusalem!
The story of Hosea is the story of Israel and God's elect - every one. It is the story of a husband married to an adulterous wife (Gomer: meaning complete - as a reference to our own complete state in Christ). Every now and then she is found to be cheating on him with another man. Yet, every time he finds her and in love, convinces her to return to him and shows endless mercy. This is the story of a husband with so great a love for his unfaithful bride, but never for one moment does he stop pursuing her.
But let's see if the above verse can be more accurately and directly translated ...
You see God does not allure us. Nor does He place us in a wild wilderness!
Looking at the Hebrew word pâthâh translated allure here and the context of the word, it appears that it can be much better translated as: making-your-mind-open, susceptible, persuaded ... rather than luring, tempting and enticing.
What is translated here as wilderness (midbâr) can, in fact, be much more accurately translated as: pasture or open area, free area, open field, unrestricted place ...
So, What does He say?
He says: I will carry her by restoring open-mindedness because of My goodness, to a place of total freedom and speak words of comfort and love and joy to her!
Isn't that just awesome?
Isn't that just soooo the character of our Father?
... but the love-language goes on ...
And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies.
I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know [have intimacy with] the LORD [your Husband - Yah'shua, Jesus]. Hos 2:19-20
He introduces us to our original design, made for love and peace and His every good and perfect Gift so that we may: with open face beholding as in a glass [mirror] the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2Co 3:18
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
metamorphoō and lambano!
Maybe it is time to accept that it is all in receiving (lambano). With that comes the righteousness, gloriousness of the absolute Grace that has been extended onto us ... shed abroad from before the foundation of the earth.
We are changed
2 Corinthians 3:18 says that we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
The very moment we receive like a child, not beholding and forever considering the tree we once ate form, this tree-of-the-knowledge-of-good-and-evil (the law), but instead beholding the tree of life, His Grace only ... the vail is taken away so that we can see that we are miraculously transformed.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Pray? How? Beg? Demand? erōtaō and aiteō

... and complaining, and listing and begging, and fighting a dead fight of unbelief.
Much of what we pray is in fact going on and on about ourselves?
Do we ever take dominion and fight the good fight of faith?
Praying and begging and crying out to God and petitioning Him is the way that I prayed for many years. Later on I prayed more like a Charismatic or Pentecostal.
We prayed and bound and prevailed and lamented for hours as intercessors. Sometimes we would go on through the night.
Sometimes we would go to specific locations (we had to be there). Sometimes we would encourage each other to press-through (that's what we were taught in church).
Sometimes we would follow a ritual or pattern or a way to pray as prescribed by someone, somewhere for some religious reason.
Sometimes we were visited by 'powerful' lead intercessors and sometimes we would lead as powerful intercessors, warring and fighting and pressing on and on and on ...
Until ...
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Does God allow evil? How do we read the Bible?

A few days ago I received an email from someone asking for an opinion on an essay by Richard Murray titled: Satan: Old Testament Servant Angel or New Testament Cosmic Rebel?
Let me start by saying that I enjoyed this essay tremendously and what follows is my opinion based on what I have experienced firsthand from a loving Father.
Let me try to summarize Richard's essay
Richard argues the point that there exists a problem in the body of Christ to differentiate, distinguish and discern good and evil from each other.
He cites the old testament writers as the main culprits in that they did not have a clear understanding and revelation of God's goodness. In an effort to explain evil things that happened in their lives, they attributed it to God who either permitted satan to execute these evil actions or committed these atrocities Himself. The devil functioned as a sort of a "Luca Brasi figure to the Godfather" to them.
Richard takes a firm stand against these ideas and promotes that "EVERY TIME YOU READ THE WORDS "GOD" OR "LORD" IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, MENTALLY ADD THE FOLLOWING BRACKET RIGHT NEXT TO IT-- [JESUS OR SATAN]. Then apply the New Testament light and love you know, along with inner Holy Ghost promptings, combined with the sweet stirrings of a sanctified conscience, all bolstered by the mind of Christ which all Christians now freely possess. THEN, look at THE BRACKET and discern whether the act, event, or statement recorded in the Old Testament is more consistent with the nature of Jesus OR the nature of Satan. Make your call, insert the right name, AND THEN you will rightly understand the Scripture in question.".
To this I say
I am in agreement with most (if not all) of what he writes.
Not many people are prepared to say what he is saying these days for a number of reasons, but mostly because of confusion and deception in the body of Christ.
Confusion is the work of the enemy, to deceive and lie and distort and I'm reluctant to say that the institutional church allowed much of this. In many instances the were the main propagators.
Interestingly, the Bible uses the picture of Babylon for confusion. Babylon literally means confusion by mixture. The Hebrew pictograph for בָּבֶל or Babylon is even more interesting and depicts: the whole of the house controlled.
The bottom line is the bottom line
The bottom-line is that God is good and that God is good all of the time.
When God revealed His character to Moses in Exodus 34:6, in no uncertain terms He explained exactly who He is, that He is who He is: merciful and gracious, patient and abundant in goodness and truth.
There is not even a hint of bad in the Good. Nothing remotely. Anything contrary would certainly align with the characteristics of the adversary.
We see the fullness of God's character manifested in Jesus who perfectly reveals the heart of the Father.
And so I agree with Richard.
There is the matter op opinion
A lot of what Richard says makes sense in terms of the old covenant concept of good and evil. Much what he says can be substantiated from the Word itself.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God. But, even on this statement a whole variety of beliefs and doctrines have been formed over the years. I will, however, not go into these, save to say that everybody has his or her own interpretation on what exactly he or she understands by inspired Word of God.
My own position has been formed and reformed by the teaching of the Holy Spirit and in spending time with Abba Abba through the years in this regard.
My own position has been formed and reformed by the teaching of the Holy Spirit and in spending time with Abba Abba through the years in this regard.
I am currently at a place where I take the Word as a fundamental Truth, as God's Word penned by man, as Father's heart (Jesus) revealed to man and to be guided always by the Spirit of Truth as explained below.
So, I am at a point where, if the Word says it was evening and morning, I take it that it was evening and morning exactly and the Holy Spirit will always provide additional revelation pointing to Jesus.
If God says that He annihilated the Assyrians and send an angel to destroy 185 000 of the enemy (satan) in one night, then that is exactly what He did. And I would know that there exists a deeper meaning that the Spirit of God will reveal to me some way or another.
What about so-called contradictions in the Bible?
Whenever we come across one of these contradictions, we should know that the contradiction does not come from God but is likely to be:
- A translation error - because of inaccurate translation from the original text (this is why we should preferably study the Word from a direct translation and stay away as much as possible from bad translations);
- Interpretation error because of language and cultural specific circumstances or merely out of ignorance (see case below);
- Punctuation error - original text did not have punctuation;
- Human error - the word was correctly given by God, but humans still had to write it and even the writers of the books of the Bible could err. It is for this reason that it is not good enough just to know what the Bible says, instead it is wise to know what the Word of God also says. The Word of God reads like a holograph and you are bound to have a take on the matter from a different angle in another verse somewhere else in the Bible. Take the example of Jesus when he was tempted in the desert. The devil tempted Him by quoting from the scriptures, but Jesus responded in every instance saying that the scriptures also says ... (here the argument of Richard Murray is very relevant); or
- The crux of the matter is much deeper than what appears at surface level - this will require us spending more time with God asking His Spirit (of Truth) to reveal the fullness of the matter to us.
In each of the above cases it is best to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the matter as we dig deeper.
Let's take one case-in-point of such apparent contradiction:
And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah. 2Sa 24:1Against:
And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel. 1Ch 21:1
Both these verses from two different books in the Bible describe the same event.
In the first instance we read that the anger of the Lord was kindled, which is a separate part of the sentence from he moved David.
The translators even felt inspired to inserted a comma between the two parts of the sentence.
However, it may equally (and better) be interpreted in this way: the anger of the Lord was kindled and the Lord moved David. But that is not what it says in the translation. Looking at "he moved David" we should understand that the word "he" is in unspecified (unidentified) form here. We can not automatically assume the he refers to God. So we need to know what the Word also says and read 1 Chronicles 21:1, which clarifies it perfectly.
Who moved David?
The bracket idea
I like the bracket idea that Murray comes with when reading the old covenant.
I do the same, but my bracket says: always orientate yourself to where Jesus and the cross stands in relation to the part you are reading.
The finished work of Jesus changes everything.
The cross is the definitive point between the old covenant and the new testament, between death and life, between darkness and light. Not the white page in the Bible separating the two.
I also agree that the old covenant does not contain a full doctrine on satan, because people living in the old did not have the ways and means or power to resist him, whilst we do!
I wrote on this in my series Inherited Authority to Rule Part-1, Part 2 & Part 3.
I do believe that, even today, we need a fuller revelation and more time spent on and with the goodness of God rather than giving much time to any doctrine of the devil.
Goodness and evil
There is something though, about goodness and evil that we need to also understand. Goodness (and evil for that matter) is a very, very subjective matter and depends fundamentally on where I stand and where (with whom) I position myself. Remember Jesus said those who are not for us are against us?
I want to explain something that I learned from the Father's heart. The best I know how to do this is from a childlike perspective. So, here goes:
My Father is good and always good. He is the strongest Daddy there is. He always wins. He always loves me. He will do anything for me (and He did so by even sacrificing His only begotten, beloved Son, Jesus so that He could adopt me). He is all powerful. He is almighty. He is the best Daddy ever. He is the loveliest. He is a very fair Daddy. He is always just. He is always right. He always protects me. He is a Mighty Warrior. He is always victorious. He always gives me the best gifts as much as I want. He always comforts me and secures me. He is Perfect. He is always the same. He always stays with me and never leaves me. He is the BEST DADDY for ever and always!
In order to look after me, my Daddy will not think twice to thump the enemy. He will bash him up good. And He did. He will do anything to comfort me, to protect me and provide for me. He hates those who hate me. He destroys whatever rises up against me. My Daddy has anger and wrath against whatever wants to hurt (kill) me, whatever wants to take away (steal) from me, whatever wants to destroy in my life. As His child, He has given me His power to take action against these when He exposed the enemy at the cross through what Jesus did.
This is His goodness towards me!
I position myself
Do you see my position? If I was in the camp of the enemy, I'd be afraid of my Daddy ... very afraid!
From where I am standing (in Christ) God is good, always, no doubt. From where anyone is standing outside of Jesus, they stand with the devil. This is bad news for any evildoer and such evildoer must considered God in a fearful manner. That is why, as a Christian, as a son of God there is no other way - you can only and will only proclaim God's goodness. But looking from the other end it is difficult, if not almost impossible to see and experience God's goodness.
I say 'almost' because God has made a way.
It is called the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
This Gospel is the power of God onto Salvation (Jesus).
It changes ones vantage point entirely and forever, if received.
This is the good news.
The goodness of God (Jesus).
And it is by the Goodness of God that repentance comes [Rom 2:4]. The verse says: Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance.
To be of the mind of God Who says I no longer see your sins and transgressions and inequities, who says He sees you holy and sanctified and washed clean before Him, justified (just as if I never sinned).
To be of the mind of God Who says I no longer see your sins and transgressions and inequities, who says He sees you holy and sanctified and washed clean before Him, justified (just as if I never sinned).
Outside of repentance I move in what is called the law and I am ultimately responsible for my own fate. The law requires judgement. It requires justice. It requires a verdict. The verdict is either punishment (even if you transgressed in one offence) or acquittal (if ever you would be able to succeed and be compared with Jesus and that is impossible) - all this comes about tough our own making, our own choice and of our own decision as to with whom we take a stand.
We chose to have intimacy or rule by law
At Sinai the Israelites chose not to have a personal relationship with God.
Rather, they chose to have Moses to be a mediator between them and God. They also chose the law instead of a personal relationship of love and grace. What they did not consider was that the law (any law) demands justice.
Before the law people committed all kinds of sins, even killing one another without consequence.
Shortly after making this choice for the law ... shortly after the law was given, there is an incident where these people of the law put the law to the test. A man collecting firewood on the Sabbath was brought to Moses for judgement. Moses inquired from God and the LORD [you see Richard's bracket won't work here because we know exactly who the LORD is here. It is יְהֹוָה identified by His very personal, and to the Jews unspeakable, Name] said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp. [Num 15:35] God did not kill this man. He merely stated the obvious demand from the law. The law always demands a verdict. It demands conviction. It has no mercy. The law operates by invoking fear!
Shortly after making this choice for the law ... shortly after the law was given, there is an incident where these people of the law put the law to the test. A man collecting firewood on the Sabbath was brought to Moses for judgement. Moses inquired from God and the LORD [you see Richard's bracket won't work here because we know exactly who the LORD is here. It is יְהֹוָה identified by His very personal, and to the Jews unspeakable, Name] said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp. [Num 15:35] God did not kill this man. He merely stated the obvious demand from the law. The law always demands a verdict. It demands conviction. It has no mercy. The law operates by invoking fear!
But Grace
But Grace is the very opposite. It is the very free gift that makes us righteous and in Jesus God says: For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away. [Heb 8:12- 13]
The only way we can ever fall from Grace is when: Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. Gal 5:4
You see, we can not deny that the law demands judgement (on sin). If we do, God will not be a just God! God had wrath against sin. Not mankind. God dealt with sin on the cross! Jesus stood as our Substitute! If we deny Jesus, we embrace the law and make ourselves wide open for justice served in accordance with the law. If we embrace the law instead of Jesus, we demand justice by our own acts of righteousness.
Sin is not an act. It is the rejection of righteousness.
In Jesus ALL sins, all afflictions and curses and punishments were dealt with completely, utterly and forever. He made us forever righteous!
He is our Righteousness.
I am forever so grateful we are in Grace and not under the Law?
He in us and we in Him
Following through on verse 16 that Richard Murray quotes, I just love the way that John, the beloved disciple who laid his head on Jesus' bosom, declared our position in Christ: Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love [Jesus]; but perfect love [Jesus] casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 1Jn 4:17 - 18
So, yeah, I agree Jesus showed us exactly what we were up against when He destroyed the works of the devil. Yet, He went all the way to restore onto us the power to have dominion on earth and to take authority and rule over our circumstances and in the earth as such ... and to have a holy wrath ourselves against sin - proclaiming His Gospel, casting out demons, healing every sickness, mending every relationship problem, etc.
I like the way Richard Murray sees God and His true nature towards us, who not only believe, but also walk in His power, stay in His Rest and allow Him to complete the perfect work that He began in us.
Monday, 3 November 2014
Listen and hearken
Friday, 31 October 2014
Did Moses sing to Jesus?
During the week the Holy Spirit blessed me with an awesome revelation from Exodus 15, and I'd like to share it with you.
Here is what just happened:
Why am I telling you this?
Because saving the people was a very personal and intimate thing! As was what Jesus did on the cross for all human kind, for you and me.
Notice that they sing that Yah is their strength and song and that He is become their Salvation.
Hmmm, God is salvation ... Sounds familiar?
There is a Name for this Person. It is Jesus! - Yah'shua יהושע! The Name of Jesus directly translated from the Hebrew is: Yah is Salvation! Yah is Yah'shua! And the Israelites even worshiped His Name singing this song.
Yah יָהּ is Yah'shua יהושע!
Yah'shua יהושע is Yahweh (YHVH) [יְהֹוָה]!
The Hebrew scriptures would normally use the word Yasha for salvation. But the word used here in Exo 15:2 for Salvation is the extended word for Salvation pronounced Yeshua (same as the Hebrew pronunciation for Jesus, Yah'shua), but spelled differently than the Name of our Saviour. Here Salvation is spelled יְשׁוּעָה containing all the relevant letters, though.
So, what then if we look at the pictograph for this word, Salvation or יְשׁוּעָה
You knew that we were going to do this, didn't you?
Get this. The pictograph reads:
Especially considering the fact that the pictograph for the Name of Yah'shua (Yah is Salvation) shows:
And ...
The Name of God, YHVH [יְהֹוָה] depicts:
The LORD made it all very simple. Everything points to Jesus! ... and his finished work on the cross!
Therefore it is only appropriate that the Israelites, seeing the sea being opened, crossings on dry land, seeing the water closing over the enemy and God destroying the enemy, (all as a shadow of the great Salvation to come on the cross) would worship JESUS!
He is become my Salvation!
During the week the Holy Spirit blessed me with an awesome revelation from Exodus 15, and I'd like to share it with you.
Here is what just happened:
Moses had opened the sea following the exodus from Egypt, the Israelites passed through on dry land. He then closed the sea again on top of the Egyptian army and they were annihilated.
And Israel saw that great work which the LORD did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared the LORD, and believed the LORD, and his servant Moses. Exo 14:31
Chapter 15 starts as the people and Moses decided to glorify God and sing a song of worship onto Him.
The song sets of:
I will sing unto the LORD [יְהֹוָה], for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
The LORD [יָהּ] is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation [יְשׁוּעָה - Yeshua]: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him. Exo 15:2Notice the second verse word for LORD is the shortened version of Yahweh (YHVH) [יְהֹוָה], the revealed name of God. It is Yah [יָהּ]. It is like when my son's name is Benjamin and I call him Benny. It is intimacy and close relation talk.
Why am I telling you this?
Because saving the people was a very personal and intimate thing! As was what Jesus did on the cross for all human kind, for you and me.
Notice that they sing that Yah is their strength and song and that He is become their Salvation.
Hmmm, God is salvation ... Sounds familiar?
There is a Name for this Person. It is Jesus! - Yah'shua יהושע! The Name of Jesus directly translated from the Hebrew is: Yah is Salvation! Yah is Yah'shua! And the Israelites even worshiped His Name singing this song.
Yah יָהּ is Yah'shua יהושע!
Yah'shua יהושע is Yahweh (YHVH) [יְהֹוָה]!
The Hebrew scriptures would normally use the word Yasha for salvation. But the word used here in Exo 15:2 for Salvation is the extended word for Salvation pronounced Yeshua (same as the Hebrew pronunciation for Jesus, Yah'shua), but spelled differently than the Name of our Saviour. Here Salvation is spelled יְשׁוּעָה containing all the relevant letters, though.
So, what then if we look at the pictograph for this word, Salvation or יְשׁוּעָה
You knew that we were going to do this, didn't you?
Get this. The pictograph reads:
- יְ Yod (Hand),
- שׁ Shin (teeth or consumed),
- וּ Vav (Nail),
- עָ Ayin (Eye or reveal) and
- ה Hay (behold - also symbol for Grace).
Especially considering the fact that the pictograph for the Name of Yah'shua (Yah is Salvation) shows:
And ...
The Name of God, YHVH [יְהֹוָה] depicts:
The LORD made it all very simple. Everything points to Jesus! ... and his finished work on the cross!
He is become my Salvation!
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Bruised reed

The bruised are bound and the smoking fanned to flame!
A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. Mat 12:20
And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.
Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. Mat 12:21-22What was quoted here in Matthew, is Isaiah 42:3:
A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.To understand this a little better, let's consider the pictograph for the words in the Hebrew version of Isaiah 42 against the context of Matthew 12.
A Bruised reed is a רָצַץ קָנֶה or:
- the least life or activity revealed (for קָנֶה reed),
- and of man caught-up perceived (for רָצַץ bruised).
Here, in Matthew 12:21-22, was a man so utterly bruised by the devil, ready to be extinguished of all life. He was so afflicted that he could not see, nor could he talk. He was caught-up, or trapped (so he perceived) by the devil to think (perceive) that he had the least life (uselessness), depressed, possessed, oppressed and all the other -essed that the modern church so frequently lay on people deceived and afflicted by the devil. Yet, he was fully healed by Yah'shua, Jesus!
Reeds are plants that grow in marshes or wet places. They are fragile and feeble and weak and easily broken. They bend and wave and have no strength to withstand the wind. They have no capacity to stand firm against the elements as does a tree. The analogy refers to people focusing on their hopeless situations and feebleness and sin, who are moved and broken by calamity, who feel powerless, without strength to stand firm in their God-given authority against the ills of life and the deceptions and attacks of the devil.
The word used for ‘bruised’ (רצץ râtsûts) implies that which is crushed or broken, but not entirely severed. It is a picture of those who are in themselves feeble, and who have been crushed or broken down by a sense of sin, guilt, calamity or by affliction. Bruised here is used in the intensive form.
... Shall he not break - emphasizes that Jesus would not bog down those already broken even further with a sense of sin and with calamity more sin-conscious and guilt-ridden and wretched (He paid the full price for this) to loose hope the way the modern church does. Remember He says His burden is light and His yoke easy! He will not deepen their afflictions or multiply their sorrows. In fact, the very opposite is true when we look at scripture and what Jesus did to bind up the broken-hearted Isa 61:1 and to bring life and that they may have it more abundantly Joh 10:10.
The Hebrew words for smoking flax are:
- smoking (כהה kēhâh) [pictograph: open hand revealed, revealed] and literally means that which is feeble, breakable, weak, thin, small - ready to be extinguished or to go out,
- and the word flax (פִּשְׁתָּה pishtâh) that paints the picture of the spoken destroyed covenant revealed. The meaning denotes very much the same picture as theone for the bruised reed.
Remember our post on the concept of judgement in Daniel ... so, what's in a name? ... Judgement is not our narrow-minded western idea of judgement. It is in fact, the way of the old covenant judges, those who lead the people into the truth, into deliverance, into victory, into prosperity, into relationship with God!
So, pointing exactly to what Jesus said and did before he ascended to comfort us by giving onto us the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Joh 14:26
The dying, smoking flax is fanned to life and the broken reed mended to receive out of His precious giving hands, freely ... the abundance of blessings and power and authority to take dominion and to truely see, to truely hear of His goodness, kindness, mercy, grace, patience ... Truth (Jesus)!
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