Tuesday 7 May 2024

Superlatives and antithesis

This morning I made a self-discovery.

In my efforts to better understand certain phenomena, facts, theories, notions and suppositions in life, I rely heavily on applying superlatives and antithesis.


I tend to reason in extremes.

You may say that something is not as it should be … and you may be right … or you may be wrong.


According to the modern English dictionary, understanding can have a whole range of definitions. I like Marriam-Webster’s basic explanation that says understanding is a mental grasp: comprehension.

I guess that has always been my aim.

So, I asked google How does one obtain a better understanding. And got the following answer: Read widely: Reading books, articles, and other sources on a variety of topics can help you gain knowledge and broaden your perspective. Ask questions: Asking questions is a great way to clarify your understanding and gain deeper insights into a topic. Don't be afraid to ask questions, even if they seem basic.

Fair enough!



Understanding applied

In life we are presented with many supposed truths. Some we question and others we don’t. But, raising my children, I always promoted questioning everything that we learn and do, everything we are told and everything we are given, even the Bible.

The thing about understanding and deciding, is that you have to analyse and move from a position of knowledge. You take what is presented to you and employ what-ifs

And that is where I agree with the basic answer spat out by google AI.

What if … I read something contrary?

What if … the main source is wrong?

What if … the perspective should be different?

What if … no one ever questioned the supposed truth?

What if … there is a deeper insight?


And yes, if you wondered - this is the discipline of philosophy, the systematic study of general and fundamental questions concerning topics like existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and language.

I digress

So, this brings us to my application of superlatives and my antithesis way of thinking when it comes to traditions and like things that we do …

I am venturing beyond this post on harbouring unbelief and various others such as this one on the sinner's prayer and this one about understanding.

Traditions and like things

Let us understand traditions and similar beliefs that we cohere to.

In my own culture, as a young individual who sometimes asked questions like why and how, I was at times admonished just to do as I am told and not question certain “fundamentals”. Some of those practices were determined by culture and tradition long ago and people have been doing so for generations without questioning such. I was told not to dig to deep.

I later discovered that the same was true for most of church doctrine and what we were made to believe for the sake of religion and being ethical in that regard.

Where there is smoke …

And somehow, the most important matters to question in life always seem to be where religion is involved …

Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands? He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with [their] lips, but their heart is far from me. And Jesus explained through an example how that religion makes its own rules to overule even the rules of God for those who were under the law. [Mar 7:5-12 KJV]

What did they do? 

Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye. [Mar 7:13 KJV]


Did you know that you can make the Word of God (Jesus) to none effect?

Did you know that you can cancel in an instance the finished work of Christ by inventing your own rule?




Provided for?

Power and authority?


We can choose to nullify it all by cooking up our own rules!

So what is the superlative?

Traditions and cooked-up things that we subscribe to.

To say that Jesus is not enough. That His finished work is not finished and that I must add by doing something of my own accord - a new rule, so to say!

It is to say that the unsurpassable, unequalled and matchless work of Jesus needs some polishing-up. That it also depends on my holiness and conduct, my way of praying and asking, me being sinless and super good, me tithing and doing good …

It is to overrule the perfect, completed full Gift.

What is the antithesis?

Well the antithesis is simply to say:

I apply the perfect law of liberty, making the Word of God of full effect by leaving all of my tradition, which had been delivered onto me and many such suppositions and to accept the finished work of the Word.

It is an antithesis not many are willing to admit or care to admire, but it is the only way to fully embrace His Grace!

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