Thursday 20 October 2022

God has perfect timing, never early never late

Have you ever heard the expression “God has perfect timing, never early, never late”?

Have you tried googling it? Or look for that exact expression in the Bible?

Have you taken the time to look into when and how it is usually used by those who use it?

Have you applied your mind to something like this said?

Have you questioned it?

Well, in this post we’ll practice some logic discernment and investigate the matter.

You will be surprised to learn that that exact expression is not even in the Bible. And, although it sounds wonderful and true, it has a hidden message of hope deferred.


To start with, we should be looking at the milieu in which the phrase is usually quoted.

I find that people usually use this quote to comfort others. It is a way of saying “God hasn’t come through for you yet, because it hasn’t been the right time that He had in mind to solve this problem” or “God will still come through for you at the right time. His time is not our time and you never know when and if He is going to solve your problem.

… all of which flies in the face of the finished work of Christ!

When we teach this, we do not teach the Gospel. Instead, we teach a God that is utterly detached from us. We teach distance and delay. God is far and God does not attend to you immediately. That, my friend, is not a good father!


The reasoning would be that He allows you to learn and that you can only grow as a person when faced with difficult circumstances. “God is in control”. “God is sovereign”.

People say these things without knowing what they are saying. Somehow, they must provide a reason for their creative thinking. And it is easy to put the blame on God as if He never came through. After all, you have prayed and your circumstances are still the same. So, that is the reason. “Don’t worry, He is never late, never early … even though you are dying …”

What a cruel, heartless father!

People say these things because they don’t know the heart of the Father.

Does it say so in the Bible?

No. You will not find a single verse where it says “God has perfect timing, never early, never late.”

But, heck! People even made songs about this phrase as if it is from the Bible. And mostly they use as basis for this Ecclesiastes 3:1 that says “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. There is an appointed time for everything.

… or Isaiah 55:8-9 ESV that says “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Surely God has a time for everything, right?

And so it is

His timing was perfect on the cross. In fact, Revelation 13:8 states that He had been crucified before the foundation of the earth.

Instead, the time is now. 2 Corinthians 6:2 says, ‘“In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

The finished work of Jesus is a done deal, the inheritance of the saints are available to all to receive, to take up dominion authority and rule over circumstances. Remember this post and this post?

So, let me not disagree. God has perfect timing, never early, never late. This was all dealt with on the cross, in the resurrection and abiding of His Spirit in us, completely, once and for all.

The finished work is not hope deferred.

Proverbs 13:12 says that Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

Hope is a Person.

The problem is not with God coming through. He already did.

Hope came through.

The problem is with us coming through, taking up the inheritance we were given!

… taking up dominion authority as our inheritance …

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