Again, it has to do with to-do or not- to-do ... to some to be active or to be passive.
Let's read the scripture as it is translated
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints Eph 6:14-18/KJV
Let's understand what's to do?
The passive part is easy to deal with. God has never called us to be passive regarding His Word, His Gospel. Full stop!
The active part had been mostly twisted and turned to suit the needs of church doctrine, even today. It is the to-do-to-be-part. Here things have to be done in a certain way in order for the devoted Christian to see any kind of breakthrough.
So many times we have been taught how we must engage in active battle (and we have to), but that we could easily loose a battle if we didn't come prepared wearing the whole armor of God, as if Jesus didn't achieve anything on the cross.
So, they say the armor is as important as what you do with it (sic)!
I have personally sat through church meetings where those present were told they have to dress up and apply the armor in specific ways and how that any one miss-application may result in utter defeat.
I distinctly remember one such sermon where the congregants were taught that every part of the armor of God has offensive attributes. For instance, the feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel was a highly offensive weapon. It was like a Roman soldier's shoes modified, plated and equipped with sharp spikes and blades with which the soldier could easily inflict serious and deadly wounds.
Shod with what?
But the Word of God talks about being shod with THE GOSPEL, the Good-News-of-Love, the kind of God-love that conquers all. No spike or blade apparel that will bring pain and suffering and bleeding and horror...
THE GOSPEL is the power of God unto salvation! (Rom 1:16)
So, the Holy Spirit spoke to me showing me that what is so desperately twisted by the institutional church into a gruesome armor, is in fact a love-dress, a preparation already done by Jesus Himself that enables us for intimacy with Him, the Lover wherever we are, whenever.
And what does it mean to take up or be shod?
Verse 13 says we have to take up the whole armor ...
In the original Greek to take up is the composite word analambanō. Two words - ana and lambanō.
Lambanō is the word for receive or accept or to take hold of used in the active sense in relation to the object, such as actively taking hold of ... salvation, a book or healing or a gift, etc.
The preposition ana essentially means into the midst or amongst, in, by ...
So, the compound word analambanō means to receive within or to take up yourself.
Time to paraphrase
Here is the paraphrase I got of Ephesians 6:14-18 guided by the Holy Spirit:
Be prepared in every situation having the the armor of God; (armor is the Greek word panoplia - meaning the whole range of tools. It simply means to be filled with Christ - All of Christ).
Verse 14: know that you are totally righteous, covered and girded;
Verse 15: know that as you move in life, you have the Gospel of peace, which is the power of God unto salvation, the most powerful and only Christian tool for engagement.
Verse 16: know above all that you have Faith Himself residing within you and by this alone you will be able to quench the wiles and temptations of the enemy. He is, after all, defeated!
Verse 17: know that the primary Source of your thinking should be Salvation Himself and the Sword-of-the-Spirit Who is the Word Himself;
Verse 18: know that as you pray, the Holy Spirit so leads you as you give way to Him so that you never have to do anything in your own strength and power. Have this as a way of life and give way for His practical teaching as you pray for all those who have been sanctified by the blood of the Lamb!
See the battle now?
It is the application and appropriation of the finished work of Christ.
It is the fearless application of Power and Grace we have already received in overflow. Not fearful or feeling inadequate to tell the mountain to move ...
Power and Grace all in One.
Power and Grace all in One.
His name is Yah'shua, Jesus and you are inseparable from Him!
You are completely clothed and armored in Him!