Wednesday 11 September 2024

Due Season

We are often told that everything has its due season (and that whatever happens, happens for a reason, which I've dealt with numerous times on the blog).
We are often told that everything has its season, especially when things go wrong. And it is often by well-meaning Christians in an effort to comfort us, but it is hopeless on so many levels. It is something one would say because they wouldn’t know what else to say or do.
In this post I will explore the “due season” phrase and how it connects to our graceful position in Christ.
The season that is due
Paul says in Galatians 6:9-10And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
And Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every activity under the heavens."

What is it that we will reap? And does it come as a result of us seizing our opportunity?

Well, the first question is easily answered. We reap Jesus, for whosoever believes onto Him, will be saved [John 3:15-17, Mark 16:16]. It is a promise. And God is true and certain.

If our reaping depended on us doing good or seizing or not seizing the opportunity, we are in trouble. James merely says that because of this good news, we should seize the opportunity …

And yes, Solomon is right. There is a time for everything to happen. Yet, there was also a predetermined time for God to undo the undoing of mankind, which He did in Yah’shua.

In reference to Yah’shua, the phrase in due season is a comforting reminder that God's timing is perfect. It signifies a belief that God manifesting as man happened at the right moment, according to His divine plan. This perspective is grounded in the understanding that God's grace is founded in His finished work in Yah’shua and that is sufficient for every season of our lives.

A Grace Understanding
In the midst of life's challenges and uncertainties, a grace-filled perspective helps us to trust and appropriate God's finished work. We understand His ways and His ways are far above our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). Even when things don't seem to be going our way, we find comfort in knowing that God, In Jesus, works (actually, worked) all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).
Patience and Trust
Unlike in the old covenant where people had to wait for the right season and practice patience, this side of the cross we find solace in the complete work of Yah’shua.
David writes in Psalm 37:7, "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices." Yet, as New Testament heirs we may confirm “We are still before YHVH, we are humbled because of His patience and we do not fret anymore!”
Embracing the Journey
Even Though we are in this world, we are not part of this world [John 17:16]. Because we know the outcome we can appreciate the journey itself. We count it for joy [James 1].
Each situation that we may regard as a season, whether it's a season of waiting, growth, or reaping, offers unique opportunities for appropriation, deeper intimacy,  learning and spiritual growth. As the Psalmist says, I will wait for the Lord; my soul will wait, and I will hope in his word [Psalm 130:5. Wait is to bind to (I touched on it here in this post).
The Hebrew word used for waiting upon God is qâvâh, meaning to be bound together with God, to think as He thinks towards you, look for, to hope upon God, to expect and look eagerly for, to collect, to bind together.
A Harvest of Grace
Old covenant believers regarded a due season and for their efforts and prayers to bear fruit, just as a farmer patiently tends to his crops, waiting for the harvest. But Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it" [Mark 10:15]. Children trust their parents without question, and having a Father that has already done everything, we do the same.
In conclusion, embracing (waiting) and applying the finished work of Yah'shua in our season, is a powerful way to cultivate a grace-filled perspective of reassurance with the Holy Spirit leading us.
God's timing is perfected in Yah’shua and His finished work.
We can focus on appreciating the journey.
We  find peace and hope even in the most challenging seasons of our lives.
Because we are sorted in Yah’shua.

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