Wednesday 11 September 2024

Due Season

We are often told that everything has its due season (and that whatever happens, happens for a reason, which I've dealt with numerous times on the blog).
We are often told that everything has its season, especially when things go wrong. And it is often by well-meaning Christians in an effort to comfort us, but it is hopeless on so many levels. It is something one would say because they wouldn’t know what else to say or do.
In this post I will explore the “due season” phrase and how it connects to our graceful position in Christ.

Thursday 5 September 2024

Artificial intelligence or natural stupidity

I asked AI to write up a post on **The Unfailing Goodness of God** to see what it would come up with.

It appears that AI supersedes the cognitive thinking and contemplation of many hundreds of thousands of men and women in this world in its logic reasoning (and awareness, if AI can be attributed to have such a characteristic) of the goodness of God.

This begs the question: How stupid does mankind have to be in order to deny such a fundamental truth? 

Without editing, here is the AI post that was created in less than a few seconds.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Law of first mention or first mention of law?

Imagine Perfection.

Imagine having more than you could ever need, living in a world without danger. Picture a life filled with beauty, tranquility, peace, love, health, and boundless contentment. Imagine a perfect love relationship with someone who couldn't love you more. Imagine the cool of a summer evening, simply being. This is paradise, this is Eden!

Would I stay in such a place? Would I give it up?

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